About the methodology

The methodology is designed to determine the professional identity of a person and consists of 20 statements, each of which has four possible answers. Read carefully and choose the one that best expresses your point of view. It is possible that some options will seem equivalent to you, nevertheless choose the one that best matches your opinion.

Statement №[[currentQuestion+1]]


Specify the most suitable option for you

[[ getVariant('a') ]]
[[ getVariant('b') ]]
[[ getVariant('c') ]]
[[ getVariant('d') ]]
Your result:

Your degree of severity: [[ getLevel(1) ]]


The situation is typical for students who do not have strong professional goals and plans and do not try to shape them, build options for their professional development. This status is most often granted to adolescents whose parents do not want or have time to take an active interest in the professional future of their children. This status is also for teenagers who are accustomed to living with current desires, who do not sufficiently understand the importance of choosing a future profession.

Your degree of severity: [[ getLevel(2) ]]


This state is typical for people who has chosen their professional path, but not through independent reflection, but by listening to the opinion of authorities: parents or friends. For a while, this, as a rule, provides a comfortable state, allowing them to avoid worries about their own future. But there is no guarantee that the profession chosen in this way will meet the interests and abilities of the person himself. Therefore, such a choice in the future may well lead to disappointment.

Your degree of severity: [[ getLevel(3) ]]


Such a state is typical for a person who is exploring alternative options for further professional development and is actively trying to get out of this state by making a meaningful decision about his/her future. These boys and girls think about possible options for professional development, try on various professional roles, strive to learn as much as possible about different specialties and ways to get them. At this stage, unstable relationships with parents and friends often develop: complete mutual understanding can quickly be replaced by misunderstanding, and vice versa. As a rule, most of the people after the "crisis of choice" go to a state of formed identity, less often to an imposed identity.

Your degree of severity: [[ getLevel(4) ]]


These boys and girls are characterized by the fact that they are ready to make a conscious choice of further professional development or have already made it. They have confidence in the correctness of the decision made about their professional future. This status belongs to those young men and women who have gone through a "crisis of choice" and independently formed a system of knowledge about themselves, about professional values and life beliefs. They can consciously build their lives because they have decided what they want to achieve.